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Our Vision is of a New Zealand where less fortunate children have an opportunity to make a positive contribution to society.


To meet the physical and nutritional needs of disadvantaged New Zealand children to assist them in reaching their full potential in life.

Education equals opportunity!

Shoes for Kids 1Unfortunately in New Zealand thousands of children live their lives in extreme poverty, going without the basics most of us take for granted and this has a major impact on their ability to learn so they can reach their full potential. So what is daily life REALLY like for the one in four New Zealand children living in poverty? These are New Zealand’s forgotten children who exist in a world where they cannot be sure of having three meals a day, suitable clothing and heating in their home in winter.

It means getting sicker more often, shortened life expectancy, poor nutritional status and not achieving age-appropriate developmental milestones.  It means missing out on school excursions and not being able to participate fully in classroom activities; which leads to social isolation, feelings of worthlessness, loneliness and alienation. Without direct intervention children living in poverty very rarely catch up as their ability to access opportunities that are available to more fortunate children is reduced and so… the cycle of poverty starts all over again.

Founded in 2005 KidsCan Charitable Trust is a national charity dedicated to ensuring all Kiwi kids affected by poverty can look forward to a brighter future.

KidsCan delivers targeted programmes which remove the physical barriers preventing children in low decile schools from getting the most out of their education. These tangible initiatives currently support the education of thousands of children in 350 low decile schools across New Zealand ensuring they get through the school gate in a better position to learn.  We want all New Zealanders to get involved! There are many ways you can support us to help reduce our waiting list ensuring no child in our country goes without the basics they need for a healthy happy life.

Kids in School copy 1777 project contribution 

Mike's target is to raise $10,000 for KidsCan.